VIDEO-Mark Over Target

  • 5 October 2012
  • aser


The Mark On Target (MOT) function allows the pilot to mark a position as the aircraft is flying over a target and return the aircraft back to that position.

The MOT maneuver consists of a downwind leg, upwind turn, and final approach which terminates at a zero groundspeed hover slightly downwind and on the left of the target (50 m downwind, 50 m on the left).

There are three basic phases to the MOT flight plan:

– 1. Approach to Final Hover Approach Fix (FHAF) –
During this initial phase immediately following MOT engagement, the FD follows FMS commands for the turn around maneuver so that the aircraft will be
headed into the wind at the FHAF. The FHAF is located approximately .8 nautical mile downwind from the target.


– 2. Approach to Final Hover Fix (HOV) – During this phase, the FD transitions from following FMS commands to control the hover waypoint (HOV) acquisition.

– 3. Final Target Approach - During this phase, the pilot/operator flies the aircraft from the HOV waypoint to the target location at or near the MOT waypoint.


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